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Which is more healthy and nutritious Eggs, chicken or quail eggs, huh?

Which is more healthy and nutritious Eggs, chicken or quail eggs, huh?

Almost everyone likes to eat eggs, let alone chicken eggs and quail eggs. In addition to easily processed, groceries are round-oval contains many important nutrients to the body. However, roughly where the most healthy and nutritious eggs, chicken or quail eggs, huh? Yuk, intip answer on this review.

Nutritional content of chicken eggs and quail eggs

Judging from how it looks, you'll be able to distinguish these two types of eggs this easily. Yes, chicken eggs have shells that are tanned colour, while the quail eggs tend to be white with black spots on his shell.

Now, if in terms of the content of its nutrition value, approximately where a more healthy, Yes? Let's take apart one by one.

1. Protein

Offered from Very Well Fit, per 50 grams or about 1 large chicken egg contains 6 grams of protein and 78 calories. Whereas, one serving of quail eggs (5 grain) contains 6 grams of protein and calorie-71.

When you eat one serving of quail eggs, this means that you get the same protein intake when you eat a grain of chicken eggs. Prepare your content was only coincidentally 7 calories only, so there is not much different.

It's not just the number of calories are similar, the content of vitamins and minerals on two kinds of eggs is likely to be the same.

2. Cholesterol

During this time you may avoid eating quail eggs because he says can make your cholesterol go up. As a result, you are choosing to eat chicken eggs are safer kolesterolnya content. However, what is true is that?

In fact, each of the 5 round aka portion of quail egg contains 5 grams of total fat, which consists of 1.6 grams of saturated fat. Meanwhile, a large chicken egg (50 g) contains 5 grams of total fat, with 1.5 grams of saturated fat.

Although the difference seems slight, saturated fat content in quail eggs are still higher than chicken eggs. Caution, saturated fat may increase the levels of bad cholesterol in your body.

5 round is not enough, you will usually add more quail eggs into each family cuisine. For example when making stews eggs or egg Satay.

Because of its size is small, you may not realize you already eat a lot of quail eggs in a day. Well, it can trigger high cholesterol if not immediately controlled portions.

So, more healthy which?
Basically, the second egg is equally beneficial for health. But judging from the content of fat, chicken eggs tend to be healthier than quail eggs.

Especially for those who have high cholesterol, you should limit eating quail eggs only once in a while. Moreover, because of its size is small, you may often not aware when eating quail eggs in great numbers.

However, this does not mean you can eat a lot of chicken egg-free, Yes. Remember, there is nonetheless a saturated fat content cannot be disepelekan.

In order to better secure and healthy, though eggs boiled in a way or other means that do not need a lot of oil or margarine.

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